I wish to thank the following people for somehow encouraging me, Scary Numan, and/or my obsession with the man. May your records never get scratched.
(And hey, it's a good place finally to link all those Numanoids I know who have websites!)

Ben Arp
Debbie Behl
Coleen Brooks
John Marques Carramao
Brad Day
Paul Denman
George Ellis
Pete Enright
Jon Garland
Mitch Gore
Jerry Howard
Bianca Jarvis
Derek Langsford
Joey Lindstrom
Diana McElha
Miss Marlene (M.I.A.)
Gary Numan (duh)
Pwl Peppiatt
Jan Pfefferkorn
Martin Purvis
Rick Stott
Nick Sullivan
Serge Thibodeau
Tim Thompson
Patxi Villegas
Troy L. Walters
Amy Warner
Gemma Webb
Tony Webb
Andy West
Lisa Yimm
All those California Crazies
And all the others who have taken the time to compliment me, telephone me, sing with me, even love me, and regard me as an equal. (If you send me Numan stuff, you'll be mentioned by name - grin!)

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