
Gary Numan

"SEVEN" Directed by David Fincher My fiancee, Gemma, loves it, so we watch it regularly. It's heavy going, but not violent like Reservoir Dogs. That part with the ear turned my stomach. I was stabbed when I was younger, so i have sympathies for cut-type injuries.

"THE LORD OF THE RINGS" J.R.R. Tolkien (Houghton Mifflin) I've read it four times. I get lost in it and wish I was there. I even tried to learn Elfin. An armory near my house in England makes huge, fancy swords, and I hope to have on inscribed with Elfin writing. I don't know what it'll say yet-- I have to get my books out. We want to hang it over the fireplace to make the house more Gothic.

RELIGION I'm not religious, so I've been exploring anti-religion viewpoints. Not anti-- I'd say more the idea of no religion, just asking, "What if God is this?" I haven't found anywhere to go to as a source, so I read bits of the Bible and watch the odd program here and there, all the while making notes on my reactions.

ELECTRONICA I heard a Future Sound of London track today that was brilliant, but the problem with electronica is the lack of vocals and melody. When there are vocals, they're often sampled and replayed. I think, in coming years, good vocals, singers and melody will be added. Then you've got it all.

HAMMERSMITH ODEONLondon (1994) It was the last gig of an enjoyable tour, and the crowd was as on fire as you could possibly be. They were going absoluely ballistic: thundering screaming and stuff like that. By the end of [the show], you didn't want to come off.

GRAVITY KILLS It's nice to find a current band you can be into. This boy-band thing in Europe is driving me crazy. Bands like Take That and Boyzone doing little dance steps. I could die.

Random, a Gary Numan tribute LP, will be out in June. Numan plans to get married in August.

© 1997 Rolling Stone magazine
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Thanks to Matt Kanter for transcribing this!